SKY WAVE IDP 690 | SkyWave Vessel Monitoring Solution (VMS) Kit | GPS KAPAL LAUT | | alat tracking kapal laut | alat monitoring kapal laut | alat pelacak kapal laut


The SkyWave Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) kit is designed to simplify the development and deployment of VMS solutions.
Pre-certified by the Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), the kit delivers the components required to facilitate integration of a vessel tracking solution – hardware, terminal application, and services – all from a single provider at competitive prices.

Included in the kit:
Satellite Communications Terminal: The IDP-690 is an environmentally sealed device that delivers connectivity to marine vessels over the IsatData Pro satellite data service anywhere in the world to enable vessel tracking and security, ship-to-shore communications as well as regulatory compliance. A pole or rail mounting kit for the IDP-690 is included.

Embedded Terminal Application: The VMS Agent is a configurable software application pre-installed on the IDP-690 terminal. It allows for periodic and event-based reporting, GPS position reports, geofence alerts, system status reports, data logging and two-way e-mail capabilities as well as remote configuration.

Key Features

  • Periodic reporting – messages are delivered at pre-configured intervals
  • Event-based reporting – notifications sent when specific or multiple tampering events are detected
  • Geofences – up to 128 geofences can be defined on the IDP terminal
  • E-mail – text-based, two-way e-mail capabilities are available using SMTP and POP3 protocols
  • Data logging – up to 25,000 messages can be stored on the IDP terminal
  • Remote configuration analysis – configuration and system updates can be performed remotely over the air

Alat ini berguna sebagai tracker kapal yang bisa anda pantau dari layar komputer / smartphone.
Memberikan laporan setiap jam lokasi dimana kapal anda berada, mengetahui route kapal, posisi, dan kecepatan secara real time. laporan melalui sms dan email secara rinci dan detail yang dapat di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda.

IDP-690 dari Skywave menyediakan visibilitas yang lengkap dan komunikasi dua arah dengan kapal dimana saja kapan pun. Direkayasa untuk aplikasi misi kritis,  memberikan pesan dalam detik melalui jaringan mobile satelit global yang paling diandalkan, IsatData Pro. Mampu mentransmisikan lebih dari 30 kali lebih banyak data dari layanan satelit M2M lainnya dan didukung oleh satelit Inmarsat-4, penyedia layanan baru untuk rate data tingkat rendah IsatData Pro memenuhi permintaan informasi yang lebih kaya, lebih cepat disampaikan, di mana saja di dunia.

Untuk berkonsultasi teknis terkait VMS ini silahkan menghubungi salah satu whatapp corporate business asisten perusahaan kami ini Ms Hani ,Mr Agung , Ms selin

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